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Hledali jste: Ethyl-2-chloropyridine-3-acetate

46  výsledků nalezeno

Štandardné vodné roztoky na iónovú chromatografiu, 1 000 mg/l

Štandardné vodné roztoky na iónovú chromatografiu 1 000 mg/l Viac ako 50 jednoprvkových roztokov Najväčší sortiment štandardných roztokov na iónovú chromatografiu na trhu. Vysoká kvalita Úplný sortiment 54 prvkov Všetky dostupné v balení 100 ml (n...

Thermo Immunoassay Plate Guide

Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide H H NNH C H 3 H 3 C S N H 2 O N H 2 OO HOO O O H C H 3 H the right surface for your assay Well Configuration For easier washingCompatible with monochromatic reading the right surface for your assay Advance...

Thermo Immunoassay Plate Guide

Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide H H NNH C H 3 H 3 C S N H 2 O N H 2 OO HOO O O H C H 3 H the right surface for your assay Well Configuration For easier washingCompatible with monochromatic reading the right surface for your assay Advance...

BRLSPIMMUNOSURF 170518 Imm SurfaceMatters

Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide • Passive binding of biomacromolecules • Covalent coupling of smaller biomolecules • Capture of affinity-tagged biomolecules The right surface for your assay 2 Well configuration Advanced immunoassay surfa...

BRLSPIMMUNOSURF 170518 Imm SurfaceMatters

Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide • Passive binding of biomacromolecules • Covalent coupling of smaller biomolecules • Capture of affinity-tagged biomolecules The right surface for your assay 2 Well configuration Advanced immunoassay surfa...

Standardy pro iontovou chromatografii, 1 000 mg/l ve vodě

Standardy pro iontovou chromatografii 1 000 mg/l ve vodě Více než 50 jednoprvkových roztoků Největší řada standardů pro iontovou chromatografii na trhu. Vysoká kvalita Kompletní sortiment 54 prvků K dispozici v balení po 100 ml pro všechny standar...


WHITE PAPER Pierce Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay A rapid sensitive protein assay for the accurate analysis of protein concentrations rapidly at room temperature (RT) to provide ready-to-read results within 5 minutes without the need for incubation ...


WHITE PAPER Pierce Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay A rapid sensitive protein assay for the accurate analysis of protein concentrations rapidly at room temperature (RT) to provide ready-to-read results within 5 minutes without the need for incubation ...

Hichrom International Catalogue 9 33 57

33 LC Colum n Selection – C18 Reversed-Phase M aterials www.hichrom.co.uk • sales@hichrom.co.uk • Tel: +44 (0) 118 930 3660 Hichrom Lim ited C18 Reversed-Phase Materials SPECIFICATIONS OF C18 BONDED RP MATERIALS Octadecyl (ODS) or C18 bonded phase...

Hichrom International Catalogue 9 33 57

33 LC Colum n Selection – C18 Reversed-Phase M aterials www.hichrom.co.uk • sales@hichrom.co.uk • Tel: +44 (0) 118 930 3660 Hichrom Lim ited C18 Reversed-Phase Materials SPECIFICATIONS OF C18 BONDED RP MATERIALS Octadecyl (ODS) or C18 bonded phase...

Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide

solid phase techniques Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide H H NNHHHHH CCC H C HH 3 H 3 C SSS N H NN H N HHH 222 OO N HHH 2222 O OOOO OO H C H C H C H C 33 HHHH an introduction to H H N H CH 3 H 3 C S NH 2 NH 2 O NH 2 O H O O O O H CH 3 H Surface ...

Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide

solid phase techniques Thermo Scientific Solid Phase Guide H H NNHHHHH CCC H C HH 3 H 3 C SSS N H NN H N HHH 222 OO N HHH 2222 O OOOO OO H C H C H C H C 33 HHHH an introduction to H H N H CH 3 H 3 C S NH 2 NH 2 O NH 2 O H O O O O H CH 3 H Surface ...


to protect your samples Everything you need Thermo Scientific Cold Storage Tubes and Accessories and decrease cost maximize storage space You can decrease the cost to store your samples by HALF simply by maximizing your storage space. The cost to ...


to protect your samples Everything you need Thermo Scientific Cold Storage Tubes and Accessories and decrease cost maximize storage space You can decrease the cost to store your samples by HALF simply by maximizing your storage space. The cost to ...
33 - 46 of 46