Hledali jste: Avantor+Performance+Materials
1 417 výsledků nalezeno
Centralizing Order Management Improves Response Time, User Experience, and Efficiency
Centralizing Order Management Improves Response Time User Experience and Efficiency Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge A Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company recognized the value of having a singl...
Kapalinová chromatografie – příprava vzorku
Kapalinová chromatografie – příprava vzorku Příprava vzorku je klíčovým přesto často přehlíženým krokem v chromatografii. Každý vzorek je jedinečný a to co funguje u jedné přípravy nemusí fungovat u druhé. Z tohoto důvodu společnost Avantor nabízí...
Elektrochemické produkty
Elektrochemické produkty Avantor Electrochemistry Avantor has a comprehensive assortment of meters probes accessories and chemicals that analysts in your lab need to measure pH conductivity or perform titrations using electrochemical techniques. P...
Buffer management solutions
Buffer management solutions Buffers play a significant role in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Typically representing a major component by volume used in downstream processing steps buffer preparation constitutes a significant proportion of a fac...
Peristaltická čerpadla Masterflex poskytují čistou a přesnou kontrolu nad průtokem kapalin v procesních nástrojích
Peristaltická čerpadla Masterflex poskytují čistou a přesnou kontrolu nad průtokem kapalin v procesních nástrojích Gregg E. Johnson Sr. Global Product Manager Masterflex Bioprocessing USA. Semiconductor manufacturing demands liquid flows within pr...
Kontrola jakosti
Kontrola jakosti Dobře fungující laboratoř pro kontrolu jakosti zajišťuje integritu výrobního procesu společnosti od kontroly surovin až po ověření hotového výrobku Stopová analýza a stanovení kovů Odběr vzorků Příprava vzorků Manipulace s kapalin...
Biologické vědy
Biologické vědy Avantor® can help equip your life sciences lab with the products equipment and supplies you'll need whether you work in cell biology genomics proteomics or other fields. We carry millions of products from brands you trust so you ca...
J.T.Baker® Direct Dispense packaging system
J.T.Baker® Direct Dispense packaging system Enhance the effectiveness of your products and streamline your biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes with the J.T.Baker® Direct Dispense packaging system. This novel packaging platform makes it easy ...
Bioprocessing Products & Solutions for Vaccine Manufacturing
Cell Therapy Products Workflow & Research Services Vaccine concepts were developed to target infectious diseases but are now also focusing on immune-oncology applications. That is leading to the growing use of processing applications using primary...
Bioprocessing Facility Support
Bioprocessing Facility Support Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us An Avantor Services Bioprocessing Specialist can help you tap the productivity of your discovery PD or production suites by reducing the b...
Balenie kolón a kolóny na mieru
Balenie kolón a kolóny na mieru Rozsiahly sortiment rozmerov a silikátov Spoločnosť Avantor® je popredným svetovým výrobcom kolón na HPLC a UHPLC. Máme bezkonkurenčné skúsenosti vo výrobe kolón s najvyššou kvalitou s rozsiahlym sortimentom rozmero...
About Avantor Services
About Avantor Services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Dedicated To Advancing Science For more than 40 years we have focused on evolving and perfecting a wide-ranging portfolio of services. Our associa...
Realizing Procurement Cost Savings in Tail Spend
Realizing Procurement Cost Savings in Tail Spend Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge A global life science company was facing increasing pressure to reduce its costs of managing tail spend. In ad...
The application of different sample preparation techniques to improve LC-MS based assay performance
The application of different sample preparation techniques to improve LC-MS based assay performance Webinar Thursday 8th September 2022 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attend...
Cell Therapy Products, Workflow & Research Services
Cell Therapy Products Workflow & Research Services Cell therapies encompass several approaches that require the manipulation of donor tissue both autologous and allogeneic to obtain desired cells and tissues. These cells and tissues are then used ...
Production Chemicals
Production Chemicals From discovery to delivery Avantor is a global manufacturer and distributor of high quality products services and solutions to professionals in the life sciences and advanced technologies industries. We focus on the things tha...
161 - 176 of 1 417