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689 výsledků nalezeno
Chemical_CapabilityTable_v011.indd For Research Use Only © 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. PFLSPSTORAGECHEM 0716 Chemical Compatibility ...
Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production
Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production Avantor manufacturers and distributes biopharmaceutical products and excipients providing structured choice and risk mitigation – for biopharmaceutical development pilot scale and commercia...
Fine Chemicals from
Fine Chemicals from Alfa Aesar & Acros Organics The Acros Organics and Alfa Aesar brands provide an extensive range of chemicals, functional reagents, organic building blocks, metals and life science reagents for research and development and quali...
Udržitelná řešení
Udržitelná řešení Ochrana zdraví bezpečnosti a pohody zaměstnanců a integrita procesů je prioritou číslo jedna ale péče o budoucnost naší planety hraje také důležitou roli. Ve společnosti Avantor bychom vám rádi pomohli s výběrem udržitelnějších p...
Current GMPs: Added Assurance of Quality for Masterlex Tubing
Current GMPs: Added Assurance of Quality for Masterlex Tubing With greater regulatory focus in the pharmaceutical industry attention increasingly turns to the rationale for various guidelines standards and specifications and their role as blueprin...
Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production
Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production Avantor manufacturers and distributes biopharmaceutical products and excipients providing structured choice and risk mitigation – for biopharmaceutical development pilot scale and commercia...
Chemical_CapabilityTable_v011.indd For Research Use Only © 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. PFLSPSTORAGECHEM 0716 Chemical Compatibility ...
Continued research
Continued research Moving your research forward relies on the right products and planning precisely when and where needed. Avantor is your complete resource for everything you need to ensure optimized research workflows – from consumables instrume...
Managing your risk
Managing your risk Minimising the complexity of your supply chain security Offering reliable and transparent supply chain solutions is what we do best. Built on a foundation of supply chain innovation our goal is for our customers to have a consis...
Hand Protection
Hand Protection Your hands are precious! Working with chemicals sharp hot or cold objects rough or sensitive materials? VWR can offer you the right glove for the right job! Sortiment produktov Examination Gloves Provide everyday barrier protection...
Managing your risk
Managing your risk Minimising the complexity of your supply chain security Offering reliable and transparent supply chain solutions is what we do best. Built on a foundation of supply chain innovation our goal is for our customers to have a consis...
Bioprocessing Bags
Bioprocessing Bags Protect every drop Avantor's custom single-use bio processing bags are specifically designed to maximize your biomanufacturing production while ensuring product contamination protection in all aspects of your operations includin...
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF)
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) Avantor X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) Avantor can provide you with the products and materials you need for to conduct X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy or XRF in your lab. Choose the products that work b...
Regulatory Agencies and Approvals
Regulatory Agencies and Approvals ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange method of encoding characters into 7 or 8 binary bits (typically 7 bits plus an 8th bit for parity). ANSI: The American National Standards Institute is a p...
Upstream processing for mAbs
Upstream processing for mAbs Developing and manufacturing mAbs has moved away from a dependency on raw materials of animal origin. Our biochemical components and supplements are animal component-free to meet the needs of these applications. Produc...
Ochrana pred žiarením
Ochrana pred žiarením Zariadenia na ochranu pred žiarením. Sortiment produktov Štíty na ochranu pred žiarením Štítky s označením nebezpečenstva z ožiarenia Skladovacie boxy na rádioaktívny materiál"Ochrana pred žiarením Zariadenia na ochranu pred ...
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