Hledali jste: 1,4-Bis[alpha-(4-chlorophenyl)benzyl]piperazine+dihydrochloride
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Hichrom International Catalogue 9 33 57
33 LC Colum n Selection – C18 Reversed-Phase M aterials www.hichrom.co.uk • sales@hichrom.co.uk • Tel: +44 (0) 118 930 3660 Hichrom Lim ited C18 Reversed-Phase Materials SPECIFICATIONS OF C18 BONDED RP MATERIALS Octadecyl (ODS) or C18 bonded phase...
BRLSPIMMUNOSURF 170518 Imm SurfaceMatters
Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide • Passive binding of biomacromolecules • Covalent coupling of smaller biomolecules • Capture of affinity-tagged biomolecules The right surface for your assay 2 Well configuration Advanced immunoassay surfa...
Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives
Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives Reimage bioprocessing NEW integrated sensor technology intuitive touchscreen and MasterflexLive® remote monitoring for the biopharma industry of tomorrow Shop Drives Shop Complete Systems Take your proc...
Page 3 Apoptosis: Two Roads to a Single Destination Page 4 It’s Just a Phase Page 5 Please Eat Me: Apoptosis Signs and Signals Page 6 The Nucleus: At the Center of it All VISUALIZING APOPTOSIS AS IT HAPPENS Custom Publishing From: Sponsored By: Nu...
Lysing Matrix for Sample Grinding Optimal cell disruption for any sample type LEARN MORE! mpbio.com mpbio.com2 Lysing Matrix FastPrep® Lysing beads and matrices make difficult-to-lyse samples easy. No matter how tough or resistant your samples are...
BRLSPIMMUNOSURF 170518 Imm SurfaceMatters
Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide • Passive binding of biomacromolecules • Covalent coupling of smaller biomolecules • Capture of affinity-tagged biomolecules The right surface for your assay 2 Well configuration Advanced immunoassay surfa...
WHITE PAPER Pierce Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay A rapid sensitive protein assay for the accurate analysis of protein concentrations rapidly at room temperature (RT) to provide ready-to-read results within 5 minutes without the need for incubation ...
Mag-Bind® Total Pure NGS M1378-00 5 mL M1378-01 50 mL M1378-02 500 mL Manual Date: November 2018 Revision Number: v2.1 1 Introduction and Overview.......................................................2 Illustrated Protocol...........................
SpectraMax QuickDrop Micro-Volume Spectrophotometer Rapid accurate DNA RNA and protein quantitation in a one-touch full-spectrum micro-volume absorbance reader. The SpectraMax® QuickDrop Micro-Volume Spectrophotometer addresses the needs of life s...
Mag-Bind® Total Pure NGS M1378-00 5 mL M1378-01 50 mL M1378-02 500 mL Manual Date: November 2018 Revision Number: v2.1 1 Introduction and Overview.......................................................2 Illustrated Protocol...........................
Snižte pulzaci, zdvojnásobte výkon pohonu a zlepšete přesnost se sestavami hadic typu dvojitého Y
Snižte pulzaci zdvojnásobte výkon pohonu a zlepšete přesnost se sestavami hadic typu dvojitého Y Snižte pulzaci zdvojnásobte výkon pohonu a zlepšete přesnost se sestavami hadic typu dvojitého Y Sestavy hadic typu dvojitého Y spoléhají na dvě připo...
A18L14A UHP SEC analysis of biosimilars
ANALYSIS APPLICATION NOTE INTRODUCTION A biosimilar is a biological medicine highly similar to an approved biological medicine (originator) in terms of structure biological activity and efficacy safety and immu- nogenicity profile. In order to dem...
R3971_AcroSep Various filter choices – Specialized membranes and media accomodates most applications to guarantee success. Optimized outlet tips – Minimizes sample leak- age during incubation steps and reduces the presence of hanging drops followi...
Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 20 96
0 1 2 3 4 5 Nunc Edge 2.0 Standard 96-well A ve ra g e d if fe re n ce ( % ) % Difference - edge wells vs. centre wells 24 VWR I VWRbioMarke Issue 38 I May 2018 PROTOCOL Nunc Edge 2.0 96-well plates Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 2.0 ...
Lysing Matrix for Sample Grinding Optimal cell disruption for any sample type LEARN MORE! mpbio.com mpbio.com2 Lysing Matrix FastPrep® Lysing beads and matrices make difficult-to-lyse samples easy. No matter how tough or resistant your samples are...
Všeobecné obchodní podmínky
Všeobecné obchodní podmínky 1. Základní ustanovení 1.1. Tyto všeobecné obchodní servisní a záruční podmínky (dále jen „Všeobecné podmínky“) upravují vztahy při dodávkách zboží a služeb tj. spotřebního materiálu a přístrojů pro laboratoře apod. (da...
129 - 144 of 174