45 výsledků nalezeno
Using Batch Centrifugation To Improve Bioprocessing Efficiencies
Using Batch Centrifugation To Improve Bioprocessing Efficiencies Webinar Monday 21st June 2021 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Bioprocessing harvesting plays an im...
The Meaning of ‘Clean’: Mitigating the Risk of Particulate Contamination from Single-Use Technologies
The Meaning of ‘Clean’: Mitigating the Risk of Particulate Contamination from Single-Use Technologies Webinar Tuesday 6th October 2020 16:00 to 17:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area P...
From Cell to Therapy
From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow From Research to Production A deep understanding of pathological and therapeutic mechanisms at a cellular and molecular level is key for the discovery and use of drugs. By providing solutions...
Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes
Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes The Great Double Digest Day Double Digest your DNA in only 5-15 minutes with one buffer and load directly onto your gel with 176 Thermo Scientific FastDigest Enzymes. Restriction digestion gets easy Thermo Sci...
Improving Detection Assays With Agilent qPCR Tools & Workflows
Improving Detection Assays With Agilent qPCR Tools & Workflows Webinar Wednesday 31st March 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku This overview of the technology wil...
Data Integrity for Pharmaceutical Chromatographers
Data Integrity for Pharmaceutical Chromatographers Webinar Thursday 25th April 2019 16:00 to 16:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Data integrity has been th...
Automated solutions for nucleic acid purification
Automated solutions for nucleic acid purification Mag-BIND® chemistry for nucleic acid purification Automated liquid handlers and magnetic processors are becoming more widely used as the need for multiple sample processing increases. Omega Bio-tek...
Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates
Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates Quality and innovation for your cell-based assays immunoassays biobanking and storage Thermo Scientific Nunc has over 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing microtiter plates for resear...
Best practices for ergonomic pipetting
Best practices for ergonomic pipetting Webinar Tuesday 21st April 2020 11:00 to 12.00 CEST REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku This webinar presents an overview of pipetting ergonomics pipetting risk factors m...
How to implement an effective eye and face protection programme
How to implement an effective eye and face protection programme Webinar Thursday 18th March 2021 11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání po dobu 1 roku Around 135 000 eye injuries in the ...
Řešení manipulace s kapalinami od Thermo Scientific
Řešení manipulace s kapalinami od Thermo Scientific Revoluce ve způsobu pipetování Představujeme pipety od Thermo Scientific™ MyPipette™ app a E1-ClipTip™ Bluetooth My Pipette™ Creator je webová aplikace která umožňuje účinné centralizované progra...
Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection
Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection Top customer picks. Making a difference in labs worldwide Thermo Scientific™ molecular biology tools are used by researchers worldwide. From quality high-fidelity or Taq DNA polymerases simple and fast...
Data in the lab of the future: WTW IDS Gate – an open system for GLP compatible data handling in the lab
Data in the lab of the future: WTW IDS Gate – an open system for GLP compatible data handling in the lab Webinar Tuesday 28th September 2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CEST(Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Přehrávání p...
Automatizované nástroje a dávkovače pro manipulaci s kapalinami
Automatizované nástroje a dávkovače pro manipulaci s kapalinami Zvýšená produktivita snížuje potřeby rukou díky automatizovaným systémům pro manipulaci a dávkování kapalin od Thermo Scientific™. Tyto nástroje zvládají širokou škálu objemů a labora...
Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis
Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis Webinar Tuesday 16th November 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay The use of so-called “named reactions” play an important role in defining routes in today’s chemical synthesis. This webinar e...
Elektronické pipetovací systémy
Elektronické pipetovací systémy Pokud se elektronické pipety Thermo Scientific stanou nepostradatelnou pomůckou ve vaší laboratoři výrazně tím zvyšíte produktivitu práce spolu s pohodlím a uživatelskou flexibilitou. Pipetování vám ulehčí jedinečná...
1 - 16 of 45