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Cold light sources are excited by chemical, electrical, or bio-energy instead of thermal energy. With higher efficiency rates transforming electricity into luminescence than hot sources, the cold alternatives have excellent optical and shining characteristics. The supplies can outlast typical hot cathode tubes since the electrodes lack thermionic emission. The cold light sources come in a variety of light intensities and colour filters to suit any space.

Cold light sources are excited by chemical, electrical, or bio-energy instead of thermal energy. With higher efficiency rates transforming electricity into luminescence than hot sources, the cold alternatives have excellent optical and shining characteristics. The supplies can outlast typical hot cathode tubes since the electrodes lack thermionic emission. The cold light sources come in a variety of light intensities and colour filters to suit any space.

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Katalogové číslo: (630-1528)
Dodavatel: SCHOTT AG Lighting and imaging
Popis: This compact LED cold light source for eco-friendly PURAVIS® light guides is driven by a single LED and provides a brightness equivalent to a 30 W halogen lamp and is therefore ideal as a standard illumination system for the requirements of routine inspections and education.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Katalogové číslo: (LEIM30221015)
Popis: Cold light source
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

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Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Zdroj studeného světla VisiLight® LED3 s pasivním chlazením bez ventilátoru lze použít pro řadu aplikací v oblastech kontroly kvality, průmyslové endoskopie, prohlížení strojů a je velmi vhodný pro použití v čistých provozech. Tento zdroj studeného světla je charakteristický vysokou kvalitou zpracování. Díky LED technologii je velice odolný a zároveň nabízí velice vysoký výkon. Navzdory pasivnícmu chlazení bez větráku dokáže poskytnout vyšší osvětlení než 150 W halogenový zdroj.

Dodavatel: SCHOTT AG Lighting and imaging
Popis: These LED cold light sources, for eco-friendly PURAVIS® light guides, are driven by a multiple LED module and provide a powerful illumination system for all modern stereo microscopes to illuminate all types of objects in industrial and life science applications.

Dodavatel: SCHOTT AG Lighting and imaging
Popis: Professional illumination for stereo microscopy. The SCHOTT VisiLED series is a range of advanced modular LED illumination products specially designed for stereo microscopy. Active control of the LED temperature, the option to select different controllers, and a large number of accessories enable bespoke lighting systems for specific applications.

Katalogové číslo: (631-1085)
Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: This high power 14 W LED source provides a pure-white light (6300 K).
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: This fanless cold light source with passive cooling system and compact and stable aluminium housing provides an optimal and homogenous illumination of the light guide. It is therefore ideal for high speed recordings in a variety of applications, such as quality assurance, industrial endoscopy, machine vision, and cleanroom applications. The brightness exceeds by far the brightness of a conventional 250 W halogen light source. Expected LED lifespan of 50000 hours.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: This cold light source with compact and stable aluminium housing and temperature fan control provides an optimal and homogenous illumination of the light guide. It is therefore ideal for high speed recordings in a variety of applications, such as quality assurance, industrial endoscopy, machine vision, and cleanroom applications. The brightness exceeds by far the brightness of a conventional 250 W halogen light source. Expected LED lifespan of 50000 hours.

Dodavatel: SCHOTT AG Lighting and imaging
Popis: An assortment of spare parts are still available for older model cold light sources, including the KL200, KL1500e, KL1500 compact, KL1500LCD and KL2500LCD.

Katalogové číslo: (SCOC400350)
Dodavatel: SCHOTT AG Lighting and imaging
Popis: Professional incident and darkfield illumination.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Katalogové číslo: (630-2597)
Dodavatel: SCHOTT AG Lighting and imaging
Popis: This professional halogen cold light source, for eco-friendly PURAVIS® glass fibre optic light guides, has been developed with the full 150 W halogen spectrum CRI 100, offering the best performance when it comes to colour-critical measurements in life science and industrial applications.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

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