
Hledali jste: PanReac+AppliChem

Calibrated with clear markings, the capillary viscometers support visual viscosity measurements of liquids. The direct or reverse flow styles have respectively positioned reservoirs to calculate the time it takes a specific fluid quantity to flow through the capillary. Since the driving force is gravity and cannot be varied, the standardized glass tubes produce more reliable results. Common Ostwald and Ubbelohde capillary viscometers are inexpensive alternatives to digital versions when determining material properties.

Calibrated with clear markings, the capillary viscometers support visual viscosity measurements of liquids. The direct or reverse flow styles have respectively positioned reservoirs to calculate the time it takes a specific fluid quantity to flow through the capillary. Since the driving force is gravity and cannot be varied, the standardized glass tubes produce more reliable results. Common Ostwald and Ubbelohde capillary viscometers are inexpensive alternatives to digital versions when determining material properties.

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Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Cannon-Fenske viscometers for automatic measurements especially in routine analyses.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Calibrated for automatic measurement, viscometers with suspended ball level for determination of absolute and relative viscosity of liquids with Newtonian flow behaviour.

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Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Viscometers with suspended ball level for determination of relative or absolute kinematic viscosity.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Cannon-Fenske viscometers for manual measurements especially in routine analyses.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Ostwald viscometers suitable for measurements of transparent liquids manual measurements, foaming liquids and liquid mixture with highly volatile components.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Reverse flow viscometers calibrated with constant.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Viscometers with suspended ball level for determination of relative viscosity of liquids with Newtonian flow behaviour.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Viscometers, with suspended ball level, for determination of relative or absolute kinematic viscosity.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Ubbelohde viscometers with suspended ball level used to determine the limit viscosity of polymers.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Viscometers with suspended ball level for determination of relative viscosity of liquids with Newtonian flow behaviour.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Ubbelohde viscometers for manual measurements of transparent liquids.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: These Micro-Ostwald viscometers are available as calibrated for either manual or automatic measurements and uncalibrated models.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Ubbelohde viscometers with suspended ball level for determination of relative or absolute kinematic viscosity.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Ubbelohde viscometers for the determination of absolute and relative viscosity of liquids with Newtonian flow behaviour.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Capillary viscometers calibrated for automatic measurements in routine applications.

Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: Ubbelohde glass capillary viscometer with TC sensors.

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