Lined or unlined cryogenic vial closures are designed to successfully preserve biological material for an extended time at extreme temperatures. Caps feature strong construction able to withstand mechanical or vapor-phase freezers. Offered in both exterior and interior locking formats, tops may come with or without O-rings incorporated for additional leak-proof assurance. For easy aseptic techniques in the laboratory, choose from multi-coloured cryogenic vial closures that have writable surfaces for quick identification.

Lined or unlined cryogenic vial closures are designed to successfully preserve biological material for an extended time at extreme temperatures. Caps feature strong construction able to withstand mechanical or vapor-phase freezers. Offered in both exterior and interior locking formats, tops may come with or without O-rings incorporated for additional leak-proof assurance. For easy aseptic techniques in the laboratory, choose from multi-coloured cryogenic vial closures that have writable surfaces for quick identification.

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Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Colour-code your sample vials. Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ CryoTube™ Coloured caps are for use with Nunc internally threaded CryoTube vials and include a silicone gasket to provide the best seal. Nunc CryoTubes are the most widely used cryo vials in the world, stemming from the first cryo vials manufactured in the early 1960s. The well-proven design, the high certification level and the large portfolio of vials provide researchers with a choice of the vial best suited for their application and peace of mind that the sample can be retrieved viable and unharmed.


Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Ensure contamination-free cap replacement with Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cryobank and Bank-it™ Caps, which are supplied racked for manual or automated replacement.

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