
Hledali jste: Septum

Septa are available in a variety of materials and thicknesses. PTFE Natural Rubber are moderately priced seals for GC and HPLC with good chemical properties. They are ideal for multiple injections due to high resealability, but not as easy to penetrate as PTFE/RR. PTFE/High Performance Rubber is a highly pure synthetic red rubber septum that provides a reduced background level for specific GC applications, employing sensitive detectors such as ECD or NPD. PTFE/Silicone Septa (T/S) has high-quality, low background/blank value, 100% synthetic pure silicone septa.

Septa are available in a variety of materials and thicknesses. PTFE Natural Rubber are moderately priced seals for GC and HPLC with good chemical properties. They are ideal for multiple injections due to high resealability, but not as easy to penetrate as PTFE/RR. PTFE/High Performance Rubber is a highly pure synthetic red rubber septum that provides a reduced background level for specific GC applications, employing sensitive detectors such as ECD or NPD. PTFE/Silicone Septa (T/S) has high-quality, low background/blank value, 100% synthetic pure silicone septa.

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Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Almost all septa have one laminated side with PTFE (high chemical resistance) and form an inert barrier between carrier material and sample.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: VWR®, Septa, Blue transparent silicone/white PTFE, Tvrdost: 45° shore A, Tloušťka: 1,3 mm

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Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: VWR®, Septa, Beige silicone/white PTFE, Tvrdost: 50° shore A, Tloušťka: 3,2 mm, Ø: 43 mm

Katalogové číslo: (548-0635A)
Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: VWR®, Septa, Transparent blue silicone /white PTFE, Tvrdost: 45° shore A, Tloušťka: 1,3 mm
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1.000 KS

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Almost all septa have one laminated side with PTFE (high chemical resistance) and form an inert barrier between carrier material and sample.

Katalogové číslo: (548-0654A)
Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: VWR®, Septa, Cream silicone/beige PTFE, Tvrdost: 50° shore A, Tloušťka: 3,2 mm, Ø: 30 mm
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 KS

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Almost all septa have one laminated side with PTFE (high chemical resistance) and form an inert barrier between carrier material and sample.

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Septa, Septum, size 43×3 mm, PTFE coated/black elastomer, Určeno pro: AcroSeal™
Katalogové číslo: (WILMWG-3891-100)
Dodavatel: SP Industries
Popis: Natural rubber septa suitable for 5 mm OD thin wall Precision NMR tubes.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 KS

Dodavatel: Trajan Scientific and Medical
Popis: Endura-Seals are the CRS alternative to typical silicone-rubber injection port septa for gas chromatography. They work in a 2 part sealing system that includes the septa and the sealing nut.

Dodavatel: DWK Life Sciences
Popis: High-quality silicone seals developed for the needs of the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Almost all septa have one laminated side with PTFE (high chemical resistance) and form an inert barrier between carrier material and sample.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Almost all septa have one laminated side with PTFE (high chemical resistance) and form an inert barrier between carrier material and sample.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Almost all septa have one laminated side with PTFE (high chemical resistance) and form an inert barrier between carrier material and sample.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Almost all septa have one laminated side with PTFE (high chemical resistance) and form an inert barrier between carrier material and sample.

Katalogové číslo: (548-0134A)
Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: VWR®, Septa, Red butyl/grey PTFE, Tvrdost: 55° shore A, Tloušťka: 2,4 mm
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1.000 KS

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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