
Hledali jste: PCR Testy

PCR tests detect if even low levels of organisms are present. Pathogens that are ordinarily difficult to locate within culture samples are demonstrated with the simple polymerase chain reaction supplies. Working more rapidly than culturing procedures, researchers can achieve more accurate results before time impacts the overall viability. With the complete supplies required, the automated PCR tests identify microbes or bacteria within samples that pose a threat.

PCR tests detect if even low levels of organisms are present. Pathogens that are ordinarily difficult to locate within culture samples are demonstrated with the simple polymerase chain reaction supplies. Working more rapidly than culturing procedures, researchers can achieve more accurate results before time impacts the overall viability. With the complete supplies required, the automated PCR tests identify microbes or bacteria within samples that pose a threat.

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Katalogové číslo: (SARTSMB95-1003)
Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: The Microsart® ATMP Mycoplasma detection kit is especially designed for an easy and fast detection of mycoplasma in cell-based therapeutics like autologous chondrocyte transplants (ATMPs –advanced therapy medical products). Due to the short shelf life of these therapeutics, a fast result is needed. The PCR-technology makes it possible to reduce the time-to-result to only 3 hours.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Popis: Food safe kits provide a simple, reliable, and rapid procedure for detecting the presence of a specific pathogenic bacteria. The assay is based on 5’ nuclease Real-Time PCR reactions to amplify a unique genomic sequence in the target microorganism. PCR is a method used to amplify a specific DNA sequence which is typically amplified in a reaction containing a thermostable DNA polymerase, nucleotides, and primers complementary to the target sequence. When this solution is heated, the DNA molecule denatures, separating into two strands. As the solution cools, the primers anneal to the target sequences in the separated DNA strands and the DNA polymerase synthesises a new strand by extending the primers with nucleotides, creating a copy of the DNA sequence (amplicons). When repeated, this cycle of denaturing, annealing, and extending exponentially increases the number of target amplicons. In Real-Time PCR, specific fluorescent probes are used to detect the amplified DNA by hybridising with amplicons. These probes are linked to a fluorophore on one end and a quencher that suppresses fluorescence on the other. If the target sequence is present during the PCR, amplification occurs and the probe is degraded, resulting in fluorescence increase. Fluorescence is measured by a detector and the associated software plots the fluorescence intensity versus number of cycles, allowing the determination of the presence or absence of the target organism.

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Popis: These kits allow the detection of allergic substances. Ideal for controlling and monitoring the various steps of food production.

Popis: PCR kits for the detection and simultaneous quantification of human herpes viruses.

Popis: PCR kits for the detection and simultaneous quantification of hepatitis viruses.

Dodavatel: Sartorius
Popis: The Microsart® RESEARCH Mycoplasma real-time PCR kit is especially designed for fast and reliable Mycoplasma contamination control in cell cultures, cell culture supernatants and media most applicable in research and development, e.g. biotech and biopharmaceutical research and development, universities and governmental research groups or for in-process control during biopharmaceutical production processes.

Popis: Papillomaviruses are a diverse group of DNA-based viruses that infect the skin and mucous membranes of humans and a variety of animals. Although more than 100 different human papillomavirus (HPV) types have been characterised HPV 6, HPV 11, HPV-16 and HPV 18 are the most clinically relevant.

Popis: Food safe kits provide a simple, reliable, and rapid procedure for detecting the presence of an animal species in meat and meat products. The assay is based on 5’ nuclease Real-Time PCR reactions to amplify a unique genomic sequence in the target organism. According to European Commission Directive 2002/86/EC, food ingredients have to be declared. In the case of meat and meat products, the animal species has to be disclosed on the label. Moreover, the species autenticity can be highly relevant to consumers for economic, medical, cultural and religious reasons. Fraudulent substitution of cheaper meats in place of more expensive species, the inclusion of meat in non meat (vegetarian) products and the presence of allergens in food products are clear examples for the importance of this issue (Ballin, 2010; Dooley et al., 2004). Several methods are based on identification of proteins by means of electrophoretic and/or immunological methods. However, these methods are not reliable for application in highly processed and heated products due to the protein deterioration. DNA is more stable than proteins during processing and although it can be fragmented by several processes, modern DNA methodologies like PCR-based techniques still allow the identification of DNA from the different species present in a sample (Lockley & Bardsley, 2000). Real-Time PCR techniques are especially suitable for these products because small fragments of DNA can still be amplified and identified with high sensitivity and specificity (Dooley et al., 2004).

Katalogové číslo: (BIOPGPCRSGLUTEN)
Popis: Gluten detection test kit by using qPCR. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder associated with an intolerance to gluten proteins mainly present in wheat, barley, and rye.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KIT

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Popis: PCR kits for the detection and simultaneous quantification of gastrointestinal pathogens.

Popis: SUPREME Real time detection uses real-time PCR for the detection of DNA present in the mitochondrial genome in a simple, reliable, and rapid procedure. The assay is based on 5’ nuclease real time PCR reactions to amplify a unique genomic sequence in the target.

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