
Hledali jste: Mikrobiologické přísady a doplňky

Microbiology additives and supplements enhance the growth effectiveness in base media. Compensating for characteristics the base may lack, the additional substances enrich plated specimens to improve the cultivation of microorganisms for any research application. By tailoring the medium to fit a specific sample requirement, the cells remain healthy longer to permit more extensive experiments to be conducted successfully. The microbiology additives and supplements allow researchers to customize the media used for optimal cell viability.

Microbiology additives and supplements enhance the growth effectiveness in base media. Compensating for characteristics the base may lack, the additional substances enrich plated specimens to improve the cultivation of microorganisms for any research application. By tailoring the medium to fit a specific sample requirement, the cells remain healthy longer to permit more extensive experiments to be conducted successfully. The microbiology additives and supplements allow researchers to customize the media used for optimal cell viability.

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Popis: Coagulase Plasma lyophilised, Aplikace: Blood / Serum

Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: These standard supplements can be used with several culture media to prepare the complete culture media for your specific purpose. Most of these supplements are available as freeze-dried in vials and this ensures:

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Dodavatel: VWR Chemicals
Popis: The isolation of microorganisms often requires the use of specific supplements. The supplements presented here are available in vials and bottles, and the corresponding culture medium to use with them is indicated in the table below. Usually each vial is used to supplement 500 ml of media unless otherwise stated (complete information available on the specification sheets available on request).
Popis: Sterile distilled water is generally used for the reconstitution of certain products or preparation of the initial suspension of a sample and further dilutions.

Popis: Schaedler supplement, Aplikace: Additive
Popis: Gentamycin supplement (256 Mg/Vial), Aplikace: Yeast and Moulds, Freeze-dried

Katalogové číslo: (LIOF81099)
Popis: Legionella AB supplement is a lyophilised selective supplement used in combination with legionella growth supplement for the preparation of legionella BCYE agar base. The complete medium is used for detection and enumeration of legionella spp from clinical specimens and environmental sources including all kinds of water samples.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 10 Vial

New Product

Dodavatel: Apollo Scientific
Popis: Dehydrated infusion of potato. Plant tissue culture tested.

Popis: MCP selective supplement Cp selective supplement, Aplikace: Clostridium perfringens, Freeze-dried

Popis: Horse Serum, Aplikace: Blood/Serum, Freeze-dried

Katalogové číslo: (USBID9515-100G)
Dodavatel: US Biological
Popis: Drop-out mixes are used as a supplement to Drop-out Base for making synthetic, complete media formulations in accordance with methods in yeast genetics.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 g

Katalogové číslo: (USBID9540-05)
Dodavatel: US Biological
Popis: Drop-out mixes are used as a supplement to Drop-out base for making synthetic, complete media formulations in accordance with methods in yeast genetics.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 g

Dodavatel: US Biological
Popis: Gelidium based <i>Drosophila</i> agar is an inexpensive growth medium especially suited to the growth and nutrient requirements of <i>Drosophila</i> without the expense of bacteriological grades. This is a food grade agar which offers excellent clarity.

Katalogové číslo: (MDTC25-022-CI)
Dodavatel: Corning
Popis: Trace Elements B Solution has the same composition as Cleveland's Trace Element I.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 mL

Dodavatel: BALIS
Popis: Additive for Cereus selective agar base acc. to Mossel.

Katalogové číslo: (MDTC25-023-CI)
Dodavatel: Corning
Popis: Trace Elements C Solution has the same composition as Cleveland's Trace Elements I, and contains the trace elements found in the serum-free medium MCDB301.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 mL

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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-Additional Documentation May be needed to purchase this item. A VWR representative will contact you if needed.
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