
Hledali jste: Míchačky magnetické vícemístné

These multi-position magnetic stirrers feature powerful magnets and precise speed control for finely reproducible performance. Large top plates with position indicators are easy to clean and provide a white reflective surface, and can accommodate a number of stirring vessels simultaneously. Synchronized operation ensures uniform mixing at each position. Low-profile designs allow these instruments to take up less space in the laboratory, and they easily fit into fume hoods. Bases constructed of durable materials that provide a stable working surface.

These multi-position magnetic stirrers feature powerful magnets and precise speed control for finely reproducible performance. Large top plates with position indicators are easy to clean and provide a white reflective surface, and can accommodate a number of stirring vessels simultaneously. Synchronized operation ensures uniform mixing at each position. Low-profile designs allow these instruments to take up less space in the laboratory, and they easily fit into fume hoods. Bases constructed of durable materials that provide a stable working surface.

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Popis: Illuminated magnetic stirrers with single-position (AMI) or four separately controlled positions (AMI 4). Specially designed for titrations, and particularly for those in which optimum lighting conditions are needed in order to see the final point of colour change well. Particularly recommended for titrations that have weak colour changes during conversion.

Dodavatel: 2MAG
Popis: Multi-position magnetic stirrers with hermetically sealed stainless steel housing which is water-, germ- and dust-proof. Suitable for shaking micotitre plates in CO<sub>2</sub> incubators and ovens.

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Popis: The MULTISTIRRER Digital are multi-position magnetic stirrers with a resistant stainless-steel top plate, that remains cold even after several days of continuous use. Choice of models with either 6 positions for 400 ml beakers or 15 positions for 250 ml beakers. Ideal for chemistry, microbiology or biochemistry applications.

Popis: Magnetic stirrer able to stir up to six beakers having a maximum diameter of 85 mm (MULTISTIRRER 6) or up to 15 beakers having a maximum diameter of 64 mm (MULTISTIRRER 15) at the same time.

Dodavatel: 2MAG
Popis: Hermeticky uzavřený nerezový plášť je odolný vůči vodě, prachu a bakteriím. Základní verze jednotky lze provozovat při teplotách do 50 °C, jednotky pro použití při vysokých teplotách (HT) lze v lázních používat až do teplot 95 °C, v sušárnách až do 200 °C.

Dodavatel: 2MAG
Popis: Míchací systémy pro šetrné promíchání buněčných kultur. Vhodné pro systémy baněk na kultury s rotační vrtulkou a rotační kuličkou. Hermeticky uzavřený nerezový plášť je odolný vůči vodě, prachu a bakteriím.

Dodavatel: 2MAG
Popis: Ultra-flat magnetic stirrers with hermetically sealed stainless steel housing. Operating temperatures up to 50 °C.

Dodavatel: IKA
Popis: Kompaktní digitální magnetické míchačky s 5, 10 nebo 15 pozicemi míchaní, navrženy pro synchronizovaný míchání a jsou vhodné pro nepřetržitý provoz. Magnetické cívky zajišťují bezhlučné a konzistentní míchání ve všech polohách bez opotřebení zařízení. Rychlost zůstává konstantní, i když se mění zatížení. Design umožňuje snadné čištění a ochranu zařízení před rozlitím kapalin.

Dodavatel: Cole Parmer
Popis: Three independent stirring or heating/stirring positions yet only measures L×W: 600×270 mm.

Katalogové číslo: (SCIISI-5256)
Popis: Stirrer, Multi-position Magnetic Stirrer, Genie®, EU-plug, Quadmag Genie®, digital, Maximální kapacita míchání na míchadlo H₂O: 2000 ml, Rozsah rychlosti: 250 - 1300 min⁻¹
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popis: Carry out solubility studies, digestion, titration and enzymatic studies with Thermo Scientific™ Super-Nuova™ Multi-Position Digital Stirrers. Offering four individually-controlled stirring positions, ceramic tops and 4-function memory, these stirrers are designed for stronger coupling and stirring control with advanced safety features. Ideal for labs with multiple users.

Popis: Single and multi-position stirrers for up to four vessels. Biosystem models and accessory Biomodul 40 B controller are suitable for mixing culture broths, micro-carrier cultures and cell suspensions. Units provide slow and even stirring to protect cultures.

Katalogové číslo: (442-3133)
Popis: Multi-position stirrers with direct control for up to 15 vessels, are ideal for general laboratory and mass screening applications. Units provide smooth stirring even at low speeds and are suitable for use with 15×250 ml beakers or 6×1 litre flasks.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Dodavatel: HMC Europe GmbH
Popis: These extremely flat electronic multi-position magnetic stirrers, have no moving parts and are flexible for use in the laboratory.

Katalogové číslo: (SCIISI-3002)
Popis: The programmable revolutionary 4-position MultiMagStir Genie provides low to high speed stirring and editable memory profiles.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Popis: Compact magnetic stirrers with VARIOMAG drive, hermetically sealed in resistant stainless steel housing (except MINI units which are plastic), making these stirrers ideal for use directly in water baths. MINI stirrers are ideal for integration in analytical instruments, cuvette holders or photometers due to their size, however these plastic units are not designed for use directly in baths. There are units with up to 60 stirring positions in this range, and a choice of three external control units. The TELEMODUL 7 has one power setting, the TELEMODUL 20 C has four power settings: 25%; 50%; 75% and 100% and can store three programmes, the TELEMODUL 40 C features ten different power settings from 10 to 100% and a RS232 interface.

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