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Viscometer baths provide precise and uniform testing conditions during liquid thickness analyses. The transparent tanks allow personnel to observe liquid flow in capillary devices at all times and provide temperature stability. Incorporated coils cool the recirculating water for quality control needs demanding constant temperatures near or below ambient levels. The accurate viscometer baths are well insulated for energy efficiency and are equipped with multiple safety features to guarantee operations are completed without complications.

Viscometer baths provide precise and uniform testing conditions during liquid thickness analyses. The transparent tanks allow personnel to observe liquid flow in capillary devices at all times and provide temperature stability. Incorporated coils cool the recirculating water for quality control needs demanding constant temperatures near or below ambient levels. The accurate viscometer baths are well insulated for energy efficiency and are equipped with multiple safety features to guarantee operations are completed without complications.

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Dodavatel: SI Analytics
Popis: The CT 72 thermostatic baths are designed for determining viscosity of newtonian liquids in glass capillary viscometers with the display of the momentary and the set temperature through VF display.

Katalogové číslo: (645-0064)
Dodavatel: LAUDA
Popis: Viscotemp 15, 24, and 40 viscometer baths have high-quality stainless steel baths with a glass viewing window, units can be used in the temperature range from 0 up to 105 °C. The Viscocool thermostat has integrated Peltier elements replace cooling water and additional coolers.The clearly designed single-chamber system with optional background lighting, ensures a clear glass view and can be easily cleaned. They are ideal for determining the viscosity index of motor oils or the viscosity of plastics in solution.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Nové řešení transparentnosti pro evropské zákazníky

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Dodavatel: HUBER
Popis: Visco thermostats are mainly used with capillary viscometers or densitometers for the measurement applications. These are offers the highest temperature stability for optimal temperature distribution in the thermostat bath.

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