
Hledali jste: Kjeldahlův destilační systém

Overcoming the original testing sensitivity issues, the Kjeldahl distillation systems conduct nitrogen analyses that determine the total protein content with unparalleled precision and reproducibility. Available in various levels of automation, the temperature-resistant equipment purifies diluted liquids through steam distilling. The compact benchtop units have customizable technology to meet specific testing requirements and industry regulations. Completing the final step in Kjeldahl method processing, the versatile distillation systems can be used in many fields.

Overcoming the original testing sensitivity issues, the Kjeldahl distillation systems conduct nitrogen analyses that determine the total protein content with unparalleled precision and reproducibility. Available in various levels of automation, the temperature-resistant equipment purifies diluted liquids through steam distilling. The compact benchtop units have customizable technology to meet specific testing requirements and industry regulations. Completing the final step in Kjeldahl method processing, the versatile distillation systems can be used in many fields.

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Popis: The UDK Series distillers are designed to meet the most challenging demands and requirements for diverse applications, according to international standards: Kjeldahl nitrogen TKN, proteins, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitric nitrogen (Devarda), phenols, TVBN and volatile acids, cyanides, and alcohol content. Five different UDK models are available with different automation levels to match any laboratory requirement of automation and throughput. A complete range of distillers featuring exclusive technologies to meet any laboratory requirement for the determination of analytes in different fields of application.

Katalogové číslo: (WITG2.530.000)
Popis: Kjeldahl distillation unit made of borosilicate glass.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

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Dodavatel: GERHARDT
Popis: The VAPODEST® 400 and 450 are designed with extended funtionality to allow easy, comfortable operation of Kjeldahl analysis.

Dodavatel: GERHARDT
Popis: Two level apparatus for six mineralisations and six distillations.

Katalogové číslo: (705-0857)
Dodavatel: GERHARDT
Popis: VAPODEST® 200 is the ideal instrument for distillation of volatiles, SO₂, alcohol and phenol.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Katalogové číslo: (705-0858)
Dodavatel: GERHARDT
Popis: VAPODEST® 300 is the ideal rapid water steam distllation instrument for Kjeldahl distillation. All glass components involved in the distillation process are back-lit for visual process control at any time.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

Dodavatel: BEHR
Popis: behr steam distillation units are not just high performance units and reliable partners in your daily laboratory routine. An essential factor in the development and design of the devices was also the safety of the user.

Dodavatel: GERHARDT
Popis: Distillation system, Kjeldahl, Manual, KI 9/16, Uspořádání: 6, Objem baňky: 50 ml

Katalogové číslo: (BUCH11K36521110)
Dodavatel: BUCHI
Popis: For protein and nitrogen determination (TKN, NPN, TVBN, ammonia, nitrate/nitrite and casein). Possibility to connect Metrohm or SI analytics titrators for the MultiKjel.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 KS

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