
Hledali jste: HPLC sorbenty

By pumping pressurized liquid solvent with the sample mixture through a HPLC sorbent-filled column, researchers are able to identify each mixture component using retention time measurements. These sorbents are capable of working with small particle sizes requiring high operational pressure, a common high-performance liquid chromatography operation characteristic. Able to separate and quantify, the HPLC sorbents have a hydrophobic or polar nature. The versatile materials function with digital microprocessing instruments for rapid testing.

By pumping pressurized liquid solvent with the sample mixture through a HPLC sorbent-filled column, researchers are able to identify each mixture component using retention time measurements. These sorbents are capable of working with small particle sizes requiring high operational pressure, a common high-performance liquid chromatography operation characteristic. Able to separate and quantify, the HPLC sorbents have a hydrophobic or polar nature. The versatile materials function with digital microprocessing instruments for rapid testing.

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Katalogové číslo: (7572-01)
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Hydrofilní polymer-CSX.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 50 mL

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Náplň prep-scale je určena pro použití při nízkém tlaku s peristaltickým čerpadlem.

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Zlepšení rozmístění zásob

Katalogové číslo: (7248-00)
Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: Náplň prep-scale je určena pro použití při nízkém tlaku s peristaltickým čerpadlem.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 100 g

Dodavatel: Avantor
Popis: J.T.Baker® BAKERBOND®, Médium na bázi silikagelu pro obrácenou fázi, 15 µm, 300 Å
Katalogové číslo: (46426.A1)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: These resins are ideal for use in decolourisation in sugar solutions, metal recovery, pharmaceuticals and purification of amino acids.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 kg

Katalogové číslo: (46488.A1)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: Diaion® HP20 is used as a filler in chromatography columns due to its extremely large pores. It is considered as an effective adsorbent to eliminate toxic effects in fermentation and separation of traces heavy metal ions. It is also useful for the purification of peptides, proteins, fermentation products, polyphenols and cephalosporin C. It helps to remove bitter tasting substances from fruit juices.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 kg

Katalogové číslo: (46609.A1)
Dodavatel: Thermo Scientific
Popis: These resins are ideal for use in chromatographic oligosaccharide sugar separations and sugar alcohol separations.
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 kg

Dodavatel: TOSOH Bioscience
Popis: Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is a powerful tool for the process purification of biomolecules. Five HIC ligands featuring different degrees of hydrophobicity and selectivity. The hydrophobicity of HIC resins increases through the ligand series.

Dodavatel: TOSOH Bioscience
Popis: Typically they contain three or four different ligand types offered for ion exchange chromatography mode.

Dodavatel: TOSOH Bioscience
Popis: Affinity chromatography resins are functionalised with chemically active groups or group-specific ligands.

Popis: Polymer bulk packing material for cation exchange applications.

Popis: Polymer bulk packing material for ion exclusion applications.

Dodavatel: TOSOH Bioscience
Popis: Cation exchange resins are polymer based media developed for the separation of biomolecules including monoclonal antibodies and peptides.

Dodavatel: TOSOH Bioscience
Popis: These are bulk media products which contain three or four different ligand types offered for a chromatography mode.

Popis: Polymer bulk packing material for anion exchange applications.

Katalogové číslo: (TOYO0008035)
Dodavatel: TOSOH Bioscience
Popis: Bulk packing, PWXL Top-Off, 1 g wet resin, 10 µm
Měrná jednotka: 1 * 1 g

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