The pipette sterilization containers completely encase fragile pipettes during sterilization processes for additional security while not affecting the process. Prevent expensive laboratory glassware from being damaged during autoclaving or dry heat applications with these economical square or round shaped vessels. With a high corrosion resistance, the protective gear guarantees a strong longevity. Choose from different rugged canister dimension options to fit any pipette.

The pipette sterilization containers completely encase fragile pipettes during sterilization processes for additional security while not affecting the process. Prevent expensive laboratory glassware from being damaged during autoclaving or dry heat applications with these economical square or round shaped vessels. With a high corrosion resistance, the protective gear guarantees a strong longevity. Choose from different rugged canister dimension options to fit any pipette.

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Dodavatel: BOCHEM
Popis: Stainless steel, with square base, autoclavable.

Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Nerezová ocel, čtvercové dno, autoklávovatelné.

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Dodavatel: VWR Collection
Popis: Nerezová ocel, kruhové dno, autoklávovatelné.

Dodavatel: Brand
Popis: These pipette boxes made of aluminum are ideal for the storage and sterilisation of pipettes with different lengths.

Dodavatel: BOCHEM
Popis: Stainless steel.

Dodavatel: GLW
Popis: GLW Pipette Boxes are made from aluminum. Due to its square-shaped form, the box remains stationary while working and will not roll away as is the case with round containers. The box is available in four different sizes.

Dodavatel: schuett-biotec GmbH
Popis: These containers are made of two overlapping aluminium parts, which can be pushed in and out of each other in telescope fashion to match the length/voluminal of the pipettes.

Popis: Anodized aluminium boxes with silicone insert for the protective storage of pipettes.

Dodavatel: schuett-biotec GmbH
Popis: Containers are made of thick walled aluminium, anodised in gold colour.

Popis: Pipette boxes constructed of heavy gauge stainless steel and rectangular. Satin finish on the entire surface for convenient marking and coding.

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Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
Omezené množství produktu na skladě. Zboží může být k dispozici v jiném skladě poblíž vašeho sídla. Přesvědčte se, že jste přihlášení na stránky, abyste mohli vidět dostupné položky na skladě. Pokud je stále zobrazeno call a potřebujete asistenci, volejte na číslo 321 570 321.
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