
Anti-ASRGL1 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [clone: CRASH/1289]

Dodavatel: ProSci Inc.
PRSI33-605EA 22010 CZK
Anti-ASRGL1 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [clone: CRASH/1289]
ASRGL1 (Asparaginase-like protein 1), also known as CRASH, belongs to the Ntn-hydrolase family. Asparaginases utilize asparagine as a substrate to produce aspartic acid and ammonia. ASRGL1 has been identified as a autoantigenic protein that is present in the mid-piece of sperm after obstruction of the male reproductive tract. It is expressed highly in testis, but is also expressed in brain, kidney and gastrointestinal tissues. High levels of ASRGL1 have also been identified in ovarian, uterine and mammary tumors in comparison with normal tissues of the same origin.

Western blot: 0,5 - 1 µMore Product Information
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Produktová specifikace

Symbol antigenu ASRGL1
Environmentally Preferable
Název antigenu asparaginase like 1
Synonyma antigenu ASRGL1
Druh protilátky Primární
Klonovalita Monoclonal
Spojení Unconjugated
Klon CRASH/1289
Reaktivita Human
Hostitel Mouse
Identifikační číslo genu Q7L266
Izotyp IgG1
Western blot Yes
Imunochemie Yes
ImunoFluorescence Yes
Průtoková cytometrie Yes
Imunogen A human partial recombinant protein was used as the immunogen for this ASRGL1 antibody.
Formát Purified Antibody
Formulář Liquid
Čištění Protein G affinity chromatography
Koncentrace 0,2 mg/ml
Skladovací pufr PBS with 0,1 mg/ml BSA and 0,05% sodium azide
Skladovací teplota Aliquot and Store at 2…8 °C. Avoid freez-thaw cycles.
Transportní teplota 4 °C

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