
Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex (1:2) (35 - 36,5% BF₃)

Dodavatel: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Synonyms: Boron fluoride, acetic acid complex, Boron trifluoride - acetic acid complex, Trifluoroborane compound with acetic acid (1:2)

A11471.AU A11471.AK
A11471.AUEA 6080 CZK
A11471.AU A11471.AK
Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex (1:2) (35 - 36,5% BF₃)
Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex (1:2)

Purity: 96% CAS No.: 373-61-5 Molecular Formula: BF3.2CH3CO2H Formula Weight: 187.91 Flash Point: 83°(181°F) Refractive Index: 1.3670 Odour: Pungent pH: 1 Melting Point: -47° Boiling Point: 143-146° Beilstein Reference: 3686177 UN No.: 1742 MDL No.: MFCD00036359

Vzorec: C₄H₈BF₃O₄
MW: 187.91 g/mol
Bod varu: 143…146 °C
Bod tání: –47 °C
Hustota: 1.353
Bod vzplanutí: 83 °C (181 °F)
Storage Temperature: Ambient
MDL Number: MFCD00036359
CAS číslo: 373-61-5
EINECS: 206-768-5
UN: 1742


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